Tuesday, 19 June 2012

A Fantastic Day

    Today's post is actually NOT kid-related.
My fiancee finally got his licence!!
He's in his mid thirties, and today he went for his licence and got it! I'm thrilled. Today he's taken Master Cooper, and is picking up Miss Maddiosn from school. He's also dropping one of her friends home. So he gets to share in the wonderful world that is school pickup time: hanging around for 45 minutes JUST so you can get a carpark that's remotely near the school. He gets to deal with the after-school meltdowns, and the terrible toddler who does NOT want to sit in the car and wait for school to finish. Who WON'T sit in the pram happily any more, he can actually unstrap himself and climb out now.

Meanwhile, I did the vacuuming, but I've pretty much been sitting and catching up on all my recorded TV shows. I'm thrilled that I actually have the OPTION of staying home instead of always being the taxi.

Today, I've been very productive. A batch of cupcakes, a loaf of bread, and a slow-cooked silverside on its way to being ready for dinner. I've vacuumed. We've taken Coopman out to McDonalds for lunch to check out the new playground they've put in. I've done some dishes.

And my fiancee has just sent me a photo of Coopman playing at the park. It's a nice feeling to know that my kids are spending quality time with their Daddy, and that I don't always have to be there! THANK YOU, dear fiancee for getting your licence :)

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