Saturday, 3 November 2012

Fat... plus decisions to make

    I'm feeling fat.

I'm feeling worse than fat - I'm feeling uncomfortable. I'm over 110kg now, and although being 6ft means I don't look super-fat, I feel really large. I know that I've been indulging in all the wrong foods and not exercising; so what do I do about it?

I know that I should stop drinking soft drink, stop eating sugary snacks, and eat less in general. But it's extremely tricky. A lot of it is lack of willpower, and the fact that I love all the wrong foods. And I should exercise - but that's really tricky when I have no energy (thanks to the antidepressants) and little opportunity to get to the gym (maybe I should get a treadmill?).

And Ash and I are currently discussing whether or not to have more kids.
I've been very very clucky since seeing my nephew at a couple of days old.  But I'm not sure if I can put my body through what it went through last time. Although, as long as I stay well hydrated, I shouldn't have the same problems. Dehydration caused a lot of my problems.

So... to have more kids, or not?
To find the motivation to lose weight, or wait for it to find me?
Decisions, decisions.

And even better - Coop has come up with one red spot on his foot, and he's got explosive diarrhoea - to the point where I looked at his shorts and t-shirt and decided to throw them in the bin (or rather my nose and stomach did). Looks like we may have another Pox patient soon.


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