Saturday, 3 November 2012

The Adventures of the Chicken Pox Kid

     So Madd has chicken pox.

It first appeared on her legs on Tuesday morning. I sent her to school on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, assuming that they were just mosquito bites. I was wrong.

On Friday morning I noticed quite a few spots on her lower back. There were a few on her stomach, so I figured that if there was a mass infestation of mozzies or fleas in our house, then we'd have to flea-bomb the house. So off to the doctors we went.

When we got there, the receptionist looked at Madd, and sent us to the nurse's station. I found that strange, because I really didn't see why. Then the nurse came along and had a look, and said "yep, that's chicken pox". I was dumbfounded. I hadn't even CONSIDERED chicken pox! Whoopsie!

So we've been home yesterday and today. We had to cancel our plans last night, today, tomorrow, school Monday, and Melbourne Cup Day Tuesday. Plans that I really was looking forward to.

Madd is actually handling it quite well. She was fine yesterday, albeit itchy. Stuck her in a Pinetarsol bath, which she HATED and screamed the whole time. Then, on advice from the pharmacy worker, we covered her in Solosite gel. We did that most of yesterday. Today she's barely had any issues. She's been very tired and restless, but overall pretty good. She hasn't scratched at all, and we haven't neeeded to put gel on. She's had one dose of Panadol, since she has some chicken pox spots in her "vajayjay" (I am very sorry that she has to deal with that). But she's been incredibly good. Misbehaving and melting down, presumably from being stuck at home with no routine happening and plans all changed since we can't go out - but not stressed about the chicken pox.

I'm dreading spending the next few days at home. Cooper has worked out how to get onto his top bunk, even though we removed the ladder - he just climbs up the side and swings his way up. So today I put the ladder back on, since there's no point in not having it there. It hasn't helped keep him off the top bunk at all. He's such a little climber, it drives me insane. Twice today he's decided it's a great idea to put a full toilet roll in the loo and flush it. Very lucky that he hasn't blocked up the loo yet. 

So it's been an interesting couple of days at home. I've baked lemon and poppyseed cupcakes, a cappuccino cake, and tomorrow's agenda is making a caramel slice.

I wasn't coping too well this morning, I can't handle the thought of being trapped at home. I've always loved the fact that I can pick up and go, even with two kids. I've always loved having my freedom. But knowing that I'll be stuck at home until at least Wednesday... that's not sitting well with me. Fortunately with Ash being home on Wednesday and Thursday I'll still be able to go to placement. Just hoping Madd is better by next Friday night, because I'm supposed to be doing a Mary Kay party at a friend's place (my first real gig).

Hope everyone is well

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