Monday 3 September 2012

My Rant

my rant for today -

I'm sick of school teachers that just don't understand. My child has social-emotional issues, and she's being assessed for Aspergers... she can't sit with one of the kids in her class - they can't even be on the same table, or there's nasty things said by him to my kid, and then she retalliates with either words or her fists. Issue last week was that he cut her jumper. THIS week, the art teacher (who knows they can't sit together) had them sitting at the same table, and he told her that she had a fat ugly face. So my kid comes home and melts down so badly that I end up giving her the next day off school so that she can have a break from him. Soooo angry. AND the teacher is supposed to write in her communication book every day (since she's in afterschool care 3 times a week), and didn't bother yet again. Very glad we made the decision to change her to another school next term.

WHY, when an issue is known, does the teacher insist on putting her with this kid???????
The last time they were sat together, Madd told the teacher she wasn't allowed to sit with him, and the teacher told her that she had to sit with him. I'm so angry. This is the main reason behind her not wanting to go to school any more.

I look forward to her leaving this school and going to a school where they understand her.

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