Saturday 1 September 2012

Moving Schools - The Journey

     The new school that Madd is going to doesn't have an on-site uniform shop - they do all their uniform sales through a schoolwear outlet. So this morning the kids and I headed there to pick up a couple of things for Madd.

      We bought 3 items - a bomber jacket, a polo shirt and a dress. $115 later, we were out of there.
I couldn't believe the price, it seemed outrageous. I then spent $8 on a pair of track pants for her - so she has two sets of uniforms; a dress, and a pair of pants and polo shirt. That will have to do her for now, since we can't afford to go buying much more than that at the moment. It's proving to be an expensive change, but I'm sure it will be worth it.

Cooper was getting a cold last Sunday, so I took last week off school and placement. Toward Wednesday and Thursday, he seemed a lot better. Now today he's done almost nothing but sleep. He slept in the car, he slept after lunch, he got up and drank a bottle and took himself back to bed within half an hour. He's still asleep now. So I'm not sure if I'll be back at placement again on Monday like I'm supposed to be. I can't send him to childcare if he's not well, so there may be a few more quiet days at home for us.


Well, Cooper is STILL sick. Hoping he'll be better by Wednesday so I can get back to placement. Otherwise I won't finish my time there until next year, which would be REALLY bad. I'm hoping to be able to go back to work next year, at least part-time. I've got a lot of housework to catch up on today, so I really don't mind missing placement. I managed to get some food shopping done this morning, the first time in ages. Feels like Cooper's been sick forever.  At least the house will be clean by the end of today. I may even have a few meals in the freezer too - depending on how much motivation I can find today. It really is too nice a day to be inside all day.

Madd went to school today, although she's kinda out-of-uniform. I couldn't find a school t-shirt for her, I think the only one she's got left is long-sleeved and hiding somewhere. So she wore a tshirt to school (not even the right colour). It was hard enough to get her to not wear her NEW school uniform to the almost-ex school. The next few weeks with her will be tough, but at least it'll be over in a few weeks and she can have a 2 week holiday and then attend the new school.

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