Wednesday 18 April 2012

Life Update

   Hi all.

Just a life update.

Maddison is doing well at school, COMPLETELY different kid since she got her glasses.
I urge anyone whose kids have "behavioural problems" to get their kids to an optometrist who specialises in kids. Turns out most of Madd's behavioural issues stem from her being frustrated due to her very poor vision.

Cooper is currently being toilet trained. This is a feat and a half, because I'm not only fighting with a stubborn toddler but I'm also dealing with Daddy, who doesn't like pee "everywhere". He's "sick" of pee everywhere. And it's Day 1. REALLY??
Daddy believes that we (WE, unbelievable since I'm the one who has the kids 5 days a week AND is expected to be responsible for all the toilet raining 7 days a week!) should wait until he's "ready"... in other words, wait until it's easy. It's never GOING to be easy.. unless we do what happened with Maddison who refused to have anything to do with toilet training until she was over 4. I refuse to wait that long when I KNOW that, although Cooper may not have complete control of his bladder yet, he knows how the toileting stuff works.

I have an "oral presentation" to do at TAFE tonight. A talk.
I'm the person who picked Literature instead of English in Year 12 to avoid the ONE talk that we had to do in English!   I know the subject extremely well, I know word for word what I'm going to say, it's all memorised.
Now it's just down to nerves.

And there's a lot of nerves. I DETEST public speaking, but I'm trying to think of it as "informing a group" instead of "public speaking"... so we shall see how it goes.

School pickup begins in half an hour. I have to leave home in 20 minutes so that I get a decent car park, otherwise I could end up having to walk for miles. Not that it would do my weight any bad if I DID have to walk.. maybe I SHOULD start getting there later and walking a bit further!

     I'm sinking back into depression at the moment. I can feel it happening, and I'm trying not to get sucked back in. It's a battle I feel like I'm losing. I'll write more on that next update, which will probably be later tonight. I really don't have time right now to write everything I want to.

Hope y'all had a great day :)

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