Sunday 20 May 2012

Monday - the calm day

    Today is the day for ME. Maddison's at school, Cooper's in creche, and I have a few hours of ME time.
Today I'm  baking. Chocolate cupcakes is my baking of choice today. From scratch, not from a packet.
I've also made pancakes for Madd's lunch tomorrow.

    I have school tonight, so Mum will be here around 415 to mind the kids. I get Madd from school, usually having a chat at how she's been that day. Mondays are rarely a problem for Madd, so not much discussion required. Then I go pick up Coopman from childcare and race home to unlock the door for Mum. I have about ten minutes to organise dinner, I pack my TAFE stuff, then fly out the door to be at TAFE by 445, usually picking up a spot of takeaway on the way.
    If I'm organised, which I am today, I've planned dinner in the morning, and have started cooking it by about 2pm. That way it can be quickly reheated when the kids get home.
    On Mondays, not only do I have to cater to Madd's fussiness, I have to avoid a lot of foods that Mum can't eat. No easy feat! Tonight it's sausage rolls, as per Madd's request.

    The GP has referred us to a paediatrician for Madd. We only have to wait 2 months, which is apparently a very short wait! We're in on the 19th July. Tried and tried to get a referral for psych, but the doctor was adamant that it's up to the paed to do that. I was hoping to have psych info to GIVE to the paed, but that's clearly not going to happen. Frustrating,  but apparently that's just the way it's done.

     So now that my cupcakes of the day are done, it's time to go clean up the kids rooms and try and clean the bathroom. Then the kitchen. I have about half an hour to get all that done, because I've now spent ten minutes updating my blog, ten minutes talking to a friend I haven't spoken to in a long time, and ten minutes making cupcakes. In that time, I've also managed to clean the toilet, put Coop's washing away, and write up a bunch of stuff that I need to give to the paed.

    What was that about Mondays being MY day? LOL that's clearly not going to happen today.
Oh, and the Chelsea PND (post-natal depression) group was at 930am, which I didn't have time to get to. Whoops! I'm one of those who have come out on the other side of PND, and couple that with basic normal depression, I figure I should be supportive to those who might still be suffering from it. I have a lot to offer, I feel. So I will be there next week.

Have a good day all :)

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