Tuesday 7 August 2012

FUCK YOU AUTISM... and shame on me too

    Tonight is just a really really shitty night.
The kids ran out of toothpaste last night, so I bought them some more today. I bought the same tube for Cooper as before, and bought Madd the next one up; the one for "big teeth".

Because Madd is so high-functioning, I take it for granted sometimes that she'll just adapt to things. So, without thinking, I assumed the new toothpaste would be fine. It wasn't.

She's been melting down for over an hour now. I told her that she didn't have to brush her teeth tonight, and she could wait til tomorrow night when I've had a chance to find the "right toothpaste".
I really don't want to write much about it, I'm exhausted after 2 hours of meltdown. But I ended up pinning her on my lap and putting Nick JR on the tv to calm her down. It worked, and about 10 minutes later she was calm enough to talk again.

Note to self (and to everyone else) - just because a child is "high functioning" autism, never assume that they don't have needs and issues. She still has issues, and sensory problems. It's not as cut and dry as it sounds - "High-functioning " or "Aspergers" doesn't mean that life is easy for her (or us), she just has different problems to others on the spectrum.

1 comment:

  1. I just re read this again as i saw it on FB about the tooth paste issue, hun Max and Charla ONLY like the Bubble berry pooh bear one and god help us if we cannot find it :/ don't be too hard on yourself hun xoxoxoxo i am always here for a chat
